Welcome! This post marks the first entry of my web-based journal dedicated to the documentation and reflections of my Master of Science in Information Science (MSIS) Project at UA Little Rock.

Following the documentation precedent of Andrew Pyle, a previous MSIS student and fellow COSMOS researcher, I am using Github Pages with Jekyll as my platform for reporting updates and insights regarding my graduate project. This pairing provides a free blog hosting platform as well as design flexibility. Additionally, using these tools will increase my experience maintaining projects on Github. Adding this ability to my skill set will increase my hireability as a developer, which is a major reason I have chosen this platform. If this pairing is of interest to you, I highly recommend starting with the following resources:

Going Forward

Going forward, I intend to post weekly updates to this blog every Friday. In these updates I will showcase the current status of my project as well as how I intend to move forward. Additionally, I will discuss problems I encountered and my thought process behind achieving a solution. Ultimately, this blog will serve as the final report for my MSIS Project.